Title change: Coethnicity and Clientelism in Divided Societies: Insights from an Experimental Study of Political Behavior in Lebanon


Thursday, November 29, 2018, 4:30pm to 6:00pm


CGIS Knafel 262, 1737 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02138

CMES/WCFIA Middle East Seminar presents

Melani CammettMelani Cammett
Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs, Department of Government, Harvard University; Chair of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies; secondary faculty appointment in the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard Chan School of Public Health

Discussant: Lama Mourad, Postdoctoral research fellow, Middle East Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Prof Cammett specializes in the politics of development, identity politics and the Middle East; teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on comparative politics, development, and Middle East politics; and consults for development policy organizations. She is a co-editor of the Cambridge University Press Elements series on the Politics of Development. And she currently serves as a Commissioner on the Lancet Commission on Syria, which will release a report on the humanitarian crisis in Syria next year.

Her current research focuses on governance and the politics of social service provision by public, private and non-state actors, identity politics, and the historical influences of economic and social development with an empirical focus in the Middle East.  She co-authored a new version of A Political Economy of the Middle East (with Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards and John Waterbury), which was published in 2015. Her book Compassionate Communalism: Welfare and Sectarianism in Lebanon (Cornell University Press 2014) explores how politics shape the distribution of welfare goods by ethnic and religious groups, in turn reshaping or reinforcing sectarianism in my book. This book won the 2015 American Political Science Association (APSA) Giovanni Sartori Book Award and the Honorable Mention for the 2015 APSA Gregory Luebbert Book Award, and an article based on the book won the 2011 APSA Alexander L. George Award. A volume she co-edited with Lauren Morris MacLean, The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare (Cornell University Press, 2014), focuses on the political consequences of non-state social welfare and received the Honorable Mention for the 2015 Outstanding Book in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). Prof Cammett's first book, Globalization and Business Politics in North Africa: A Comparative Perspective (Cambridge University Press 2007, 2010), examines how global economic integration affects state-business relations and industrial development in developing countries, focusing on Morocco and Tunisia.

Co-Sponsors: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Contact: Liz Flanagan